Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Hair today, gone tomorrow...
It could be the recession that's making me feel the need to put the brakes on unnecessary spending (I guess I don't really NEED those YSL boots for $1000...) or that fact that if I'm really honest, even before the recession I could never really afford them. Ironic how I actually lived better (materialistically anyways) when I was a student and living off my parents than now when I'm actually making my own money. Sadness.
So I've been trying to get creative with how to update my wardrobe for maximum impact on look, minimum impact on wallet. I've definitely been itching to make some sort of drastic change equivalent to last year's teal locks (I miss you green hair but you are just too high maintenance for me). I thought I'd be satiated by a perm. But..well, I look the same, just curlier. I bought the-house-is-burning-fire-engine-red lipstick thinking that would do the trick but it's hard to look normal with bright red lips at a 10 am meeting. (The lipstick has been restricted to post sunset hours). My next attempt is to play around with accessories - hats and headbands. Partly because I sweat Blair (love you biatch!) and Olivia (hate you but you're still hot) and like to delude myself in thinking that a headband will 1) not make me look like a 30+yr-old-trying-to-be-young-looking 2)make me look like a different person. If this doesn't succeed I will surely go buy those YSL booties I've been eyeing (I will gladly accept any offers of free meals at this time even if it is Grey's or McD's - beggars can't be choosy!).
But can I just say one thing? Even my taste in cheap headgear is expensive. That third headband is $70. The pearl one is over $200. I wonder if I can make them myself..
Oh wait. I can. Look what sells on http://www.net-a-porter.com/ for $150:
YUP. YOU KNIT YOUR OWN SCARF. AND FOR A MEASLY $150 (not including S+H + TAX). Are you kidding me????
Oh and who am I kidding. So which shoes should I get? :)

Monday, October 5, 2009
Is it just me? Or does it feel like it's been a non-stop whirlwind of weddings of late? Actually. "Of late" meaning the last couple of YEARS. haha. BUT it culminates this weekend when I head west coast on Wednesday. Travel itinerary is as follows:
- Fly out Wednesday morning to Seattle, Washington. Catch some food and head north to Vancouver, Canada via rental car.
- Some downtime sprinkled with bridal shower-esque activities. I foresee a hike and a mani.
- Friday night- Wedding #1. My first Canadian wedding. :)
- Fly out Saturday morning from Vancouver to LA. Must head straight to hotel to get dressed for Wedding #2 that evening in Santa Monica. (Mental note: don't forget to text congrats to couple of Wedding #3 that I will be missing as it is not yet possible for me to split my body in half to attend another wedding back on the east coast). Reminiscent of the opening scene of 27 Dresses no? Cept I'll be changing on a plane and not in the backseat of a cab.
- Downtime to recuperate Sunday.
- Fly back to NY on Monday
- Rest during the week...for Wedding #4 on the following Sunday.
You know how there are people who start their own websites asking for people to send in donations to help them get out of debt? I wonder if anyone would contribute if I started one of my own to help me with a wedding fund - for others. To buy gifts off the registry for showers, bachelorette parties, for the wedding itself, for wedding related travel, etc. Or maybe it'd be easier just to get married myself and collect cash only gifts. =)
Yea, so anyone want to help me set up this site? Bueller?
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The "Glee"-filled Life...
I don't remember the last time I actually looked forward to another episode of a tv show...especially with the invention of DVR, I no longer feel the need to rush home to catch a show. Rather I'll save up a bunch and watch them all back to back on the weekends...
But then came 'Glee.' Oh man. I really love this show! I turned down a game of Settlers (see post from last week) just to go watch this EVEN when I had it taped on DVR. I just couldn't bear to go another minute without knowing what happened...
So last night Kristin Chenowith (sp?) guest starred - to be honest, I had no idea who she was until last night. Apparently she's an Emmy award winning actress. But the girl can SING. I almost shed a tear when she belted out that first song "Maybe This Time" (don't tell anyone but I immediately bought this song off of itunes) and I was heartfelt when I saw that Kurt felt the same way. HaHa.
I used to be a hard core Gossip Girl fan. And I still am. But they're in their 3rd season, most eveyrone's hooked up with everyone so they're running low on believable plot lines and Georgina drives me a little batty. 'Glee' is like 'Election' meets 'High School Musical' but with a whole lotta talent. Man. I'm so sad it's Thursday...6 more days until the next showing......
But then came 'Glee.' Oh man. I really love this show! I turned down a game of Settlers (see post from last week) just to go watch this EVEN when I had it taped on DVR. I just couldn't bear to go another minute without knowing what happened...
So last night Kristin Chenowith (sp?) guest starred - to be honest, I had no idea who she was until last night. Apparently she's an Emmy award winning actress. But the girl can SING. I almost shed a tear when she belted out that first song "Maybe This Time" (don't tell anyone but I immediately bought this song off of itunes) and I was heartfelt when I saw that Kurt felt the same way. HaHa.
I used to be a hard core Gossip Girl fan. And I still am. But they're in their 3rd season, most eveyrone's hooked up with everyone so they're running low on believable plot lines and Georgina drives me a little batty. 'Glee' is like 'Election' meets 'High School Musical' but with a whole lotta talent. Man. I'm so sad it's Thursday...6 more days until the next showing......
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