8:45 am - 1 glass of room temperature water. Delicious.
9:51 am - Juice #1: Romaine, celery, cucumber, kale, parsley, green apple, spinach and lemon. It's one of those green drinks! But oddly tasty. You can taste the apple and the lemon which give its a tang. No, I won't voluntarily drink it again after this detox but not bad. I've already been to the bathroom twice and about to get myself a cup of green tea to help with the caffeine withdrawal....also scheduled my first colonic for tomorrow evening (this will have to get its very own post!!!) 
12:00 pm - 1:08 pm - Juice #2 was really what i'd call a juice: pineapple, apple + mint. I'm sure this is probably the favorite among most of the 6 juices but for me it was too sweet to chug down. I nursed it like a bad cocktail at a lame bar. It's not bad tasting at all, don't get me wrong. I'm just not partial to juices in general unless it's sour (i love grapefruit!) and maybe has just a tinge of the hard stuff. (sorry. i'm not an alchey but i'm starting to fiend like one during the home stretch of this lent fast). Bathroom trips since last posting: 2 and on my way to the third. This brings total bathroom count for today to 5.
Are you allowed to chew gum? Have a cough drops? Drink emergen-C? Anyone? Bueller?
2:42 pm - Juice #3. Same as the first juice of the day. Notice that my cup has gotten noticeably smaller. For the first juice, the goal was chug-a-lug and try to bypass the fact that I am drinking vegetables that normally I don't even eat in solid form. However, hunger is slowly creeping up on me and now I want the experience to last. Another major observation: the day seems to span eons when you don't spend time thinking of what to eat for lunch, ordering lunch, eating lunch and then thinking of what to eat for dinner. I'm not sure if you can see clearly in this picture, but on my desk in the back left i have 3 things of chocolate goodies I keep around for that 3 o'clock sugar fix. I also have a gold and green tin of green tea chocolates I got as a gift in the back right of the photo. haha. What ironic juxtoposition.
5:11 pm - I had another green tea earlier to stave off the mini caffeine withdrawal headache I feel lurking in the back corners of my mind...I'm about to drink juice #4 - water, lemon, cayenne and agave - but honestly even though I'm HUNGRY (like a crazed hippo) I'm just sick of drinking juices. My belly feels like a water balloon. Each time I walk to the bathroom I hear/feel the juices sloshing around. And I'm really tired. Not like sleepy tired. More like just void of energy. Patti tabulated the daily intake of calories at 1050.
CRAZY. I'm sure I eat 2000+ easy (fried chicken alone is probably 2000).
Hrmm. I just took a sip of #4. Not bad. It's refreshing. Like a cool lemonade that does a little drop kick at the tail end in your throat (the cayenne?). I can do this....