Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Hair today, gone tomorrow...
But can I just say one thing? Even my taste in cheap headgear is expensive. That third headband is $70. The pearl one is over $200. I wonder if I can make them myself..
Oh wait. I can. Look what sells on http://www.net-a-porter.com/ for $150:

Monday, October 5, 2009
- Fly out Wednesday morning to Seattle, Washington. Catch some food and head north to Vancouver, Canada via rental car.
- Some downtime sprinkled with bridal shower-esque activities. I foresee a hike and a mani.
- Friday night- Wedding #1. My first Canadian wedding. :)
- Fly out Saturday morning from Vancouver to LA. Must head straight to hotel to get dressed for Wedding #2 that evening in Santa Monica. (Mental note: don't forget to text congrats to couple of Wedding #3 that I will be missing as it is not yet possible for me to split my body in half to attend another wedding back on the east coast). Reminiscent of the opening scene of 27 Dresses no? Cept I'll be changing on a plane and not in the backseat of a cab.
- Downtime to recuperate Sunday.
- Fly back to NY on Monday
- Rest during the week...for Wedding #4 on the following Sunday.
You know how there are people who start their own websites asking for people to send in donations to help them get out of debt? I wonder if anyone would contribute if I started one of my own to help me with a wedding fund - for others. To buy gifts off the registry for showers, bachelorette parties, for the wedding itself, for wedding related travel, etc. Or maybe it'd be easier just to get married myself and collect cash only gifts. =)
Yea, so anyone want to help me set up this site? Bueller?
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The "Glee"-filled Life...
But then came 'Glee.' Oh man. I really love this show! I turned down a game of Settlers (see post from last week) just to go watch this EVEN when I had it taped on DVR. I just couldn't bear to go another minute without knowing what happened...
So last night Kristin Chenowith (sp?) guest starred - to be honest, I had no idea who she was until last night. Apparently she's an Emmy award winning actress. But the girl can SING. I almost shed a tear when she belted out that first song "Maybe This Time" (don't tell anyone but I immediately bought this song off of itunes) and I was heartfelt when I saw that Kurt felt the same way. HaHa.
I used to be a hard core Gossip Girl fan. And I still am. But they're in their 3rd season, most eveyrone's hooked up with everyone so they're running low on believable plot lines and Georgina drives me a little batty. 'Glee' is like 'Election' meets 'High School Musical' but with a whole lotta talent. Man. I'm so sad it's Thursday...6 more days until the next showing......
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Fried Chicken...for the Upper Class?
So imagine my excitement when I read NY Mag's feature on fried chicken! It has officially replaced the burger as the current food du jour being featured at fancy restaurants all over NYC. The one that really caught my eye though was the special Fried Chicken Mondays that Locanda Verde was running for a limited 4 weeks. For $55 (includes dinner, 1 drink + tax, tip) you get:

I just drooled a little at my desk uploading those images.
So here's the thing: Next Tuesday will be their LAST chicken prix fixe fest...but its sponsored by Eat Out and tix are $75. I understand eating out in NY is pricey, but $75 for fried chicken? I pay $3.50 at Baby Buddha you know? *sigh*
It's just so hard to be a girl with an appetite. If I were normal I'd starve myself for a week to buy the knee high suede boots I'd been coveting (and keep nice and thin as a side perk!) but I'm a sucker for anything edible and fried! What to do...anyone want to convince me that fried chicken for 1 night is better buying some more hair product for my newly permed hair? :)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
1 sheep, 2 sheeps, 3 sheeps....
For those not familiar, this is a board game. You build settlements and cities and trade resources like sheep, ore, wheat, wood, etc with other players. No, really. It's REALLY fun. I'm actually quite addicted. I dream of making really lucrative trades like 1 sheep for 2 brick. (Actually, this would probably not really happen in an actual game).
Also, to make things nerdier, a friend of mine set up a google doc to keep a tally of wins/losses. This is an official tourney! Here are the rules for those who haven't exited out of this blog yet:
- you can play as many times as you like but each player must be a part of the league. if you play with members outside the league you cannot count it on the spreadsheet
- each league member must play a minimum of 10 games.
- games must have 3+ players.
- season ends 2/28/10
- winner will be the player with the highest AVERAGE. (there's more on scoring but I can't figure out cut and paste on html writing so pls contact me if you're interested in that)
Let the game's BEGIN!
Monday, April 6, 2009
What goes in...keeps coming out...
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Drink by Numbers
Starting tomorrow, I will be doing a body "cleanse" (aka DETOX) to "ride my body of impurities, regain an alkaline balance and normalize digestion and metabolism."
Food = 6 drinks which are numbered and need to be drunken in order. It is recommended that each drink be spaced 1 hour apart with the last "meal" to be had at least 2 hours before bedtime.
I can have unlimited water and herbal tea. Unlimited. Yay.
Repeat for 3 days.
I foresee many, many trips to the bathroom and I'm a little worried about some major meetings I have this week. I don't even drink the daily recommended 6-8 glasses of water. Most days its 1 glass of water spaced out over 12 hours + 1 or 2 cups of coffee.
When I first decided to commit to this I was pretty confident. 3 days? psssht. I've been fasting alcohol for almost 5 weeks now. bring it! Now its the eve of the beginning of detox and I'm sitting here debating if I should squeeze in one last ramen before midnight.....
I've also supposed to have been easing into this fast (see first post).
That hasn't been faring so well. A sampling of some fried goodness from the past weekend:
I threw in the pomegranate pinkberry as a buffer between the wings to make me feel better.
If I seem a little cranky or off tomorrow it's probably because I am. Please understand.
Friday, April 3, 2009
"Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing"
Prep Day 1 - 3 days and counting until the official start of my body DETOX.
I still have no idea why I'm doing this but I'm fully expectant of some sort of change as a result.
Whether it just scrapes my insides clean of the 30+ years of fried chicken gorging or just gets rid of the approximately 2 lbs of residuals I can almost visualize embedded into my large intestine walls, I'm ready.
Here were some (too peppy) words of advice that were sent in preparation of the detox:
LISTEN UP! NO farewell-to-solid-foods-with-a-steak-and-martini dinner the night before you start. You will NOT be a happy camper by the end of Day One. And that's a promise. So start now!
- This isn't a 3 day detox! Add in the prep time and the post phase out time, and you're talking at least a week of no fried chicken.
- NO COFFEE???? hrmm. does that mean coffee is a toxin? hrmm. i drink a toxin everyday?? do i care? trepidation about inevitable caffeine withdrawal headaches.....
- There are so many exclamation points in this. these detox people are super peppy. it must be from having such squeaky clean intestines. i wonder if that's how i'll turn out after this....
But a lunch of ground beef wraps sorta nixed that....